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Credit Overlay – Professional Development and Continuing Education

Maximizing Educational Opportunities through EOU

Ongoing educational development is critical to the health and productivity of the learning community at Eastern Oregon University. EOU is committed to maximizing the opportunities for students and professionals to acquire the content specialty skills and knowledge needed as they work toward individual professional goals. Credit Overlay is designed to meet students’ specific needs and/or distribute credit for work done through seminars, workshops, special individual studies, professional development activities and/or traditional courses offered in non-traditional modes. Credit Overlay can be for students at all levels: undergraduate and/or graduate.

Graduate Coursework

Undergraduate Coursework

Steps for requesting Credit Overlay:

1. Submit approval request for Credit Overlay

Approval Request

2. Submit Faculty Vita/Resume for instructors who have not been previously approved.

3. Submit Course Syllabus

700-Level Syllabus Template

500-Level Syllabus Template

400-Level Syllabus Template

4. Following approval, the college staff will contact the instructor and provide the following items:

A. The Course Reference Number (CRN) will be sent to the instructor via e-mail

B.Student Instructions on how to register

C.Instructions on how to use Webster to submit final grades

5. Grades are due the Monday after finals week, by noon. Submit grades via Mountie Hub or contact the Registrar’s office for support.Academic Qualifications

Those who wish to offer courses for EOU credit shall meet the minimum qualification of a Master’s degree in the specific subject field where the course is being offered, or a closely related subject area, or hold an equivalent academic credential. Evaluation of this equivalence is at the discretion of the EOU faculty in that subject discipline. The teacher candidate should have prior documented experience teaching the designated course for at least three years at the high school level.

Submit all documents and direct all questions regarding Credit Overlay to: College of Education,, 541-962-3772.