MESA Information

Math Education Scholarship Award (MESA)

Program Description and Rationale


Criteria for Awarding MESA Scholarships

To be eligible for a MESA scholarship, students must have a grade point average (GPA) of 3.25 or above from their high school (for Freshman applicants) or previous college. The following criteria will be used to rank eligible applicants:

1. Essay describing why student is pursuing a secondary school teaching career

2. Math teacher recommendation(s)

3. Math coursework at prior school (high school and/or previous college)

4. Membership in underrepresented population in mathematics teaching (gender, social-economic status, ethnicity, rural background)

Application available here

MESA Review Committee

Decisions on MESA scholarship awards, retention, will be made by the MESA Review Committee. This committee will be comprised of three faculty members: one from mathematics education (College of Education) and two from mathematics (College of Arts and Sciences). Appointments to this committee will be made by the respective Deans of these colleges.

Scholarship Decisions

MESA applications received by March 1stwill be reviewed by the MESA committee and applicants will be notified of award decisions by April 1st.

If you have any additional questions please contact Steve Tanner

Virtual Advisor