Hiking Resources

It is worthwhile to embrace all the sweet technology available out there to aid in trip planning and route finding. There are a ton of amazing mapping software, apps, and websites on the market for free or for a reasonable subscription charge. Here are a few stellar resources you can use on any of your devices when heading out on a hike.

  • Find great info on the different styles and functionality of hiking boots.
  • This website was recommended to us by a young hiker and her mom.
  • One of the most important things to have to enjoy hiking is a great pair of hiking boots.

  • These websites and apps are now owned and operated by REI.
  • They contain thousands of detailed route and hike descriptions and maps from across the planet.
  • Super useful products when you want beta on a new area to backpack or hike.

  • 这个免费的网站可以让你查看世界各地使用不同层次和比例的地图。您可以设置您想要包括的参数和细节,同时还可以保存和打印您的地图的PDF文件。这个网站现在提供了一个财产边界层,这对知道你是公共土地还是私人财产非常有帮助——以及土地所有者的联系方式。超级酷。
  • Caltopo has an app that syncs seamlessly with your phone allowing you to take your maps with you.
  • This website allows you to create routes, add markers and trail lines, along with a ton of other features.
  • Check out this useful video onHow To Use Caltopo

  • Avenza Maps™ is a mobile map app that allows you to download maps for offline use on your iOS and Android smartphone or tablet. Use your device’s built-in GPS to track your location on any map – you don’t have to have cell service at all! Plot and record information about locations, import and export placemarks, measure distance and area, and even plot photos.
  • A sweet thing you can do with Avenza is integrate a map you created in Caltopo using the QR code found in the right hand corner of a PDF map you created.
  • Here is a short video on how to do that –How To Use Avenza Maps

  • This mobile app has a free and a paid subscription version. Find a ton of hikes near you with in-depth hike descriptions and route maps. This app has a ton of other features too and can be integrated with your social media accounts.

  • This website and app can be a one stop shop and offers many of the same features Caltopo offers. You can create maps and routes, sync with your mobile device, and integrate a variety of layers and features onto your map. There is also social sharing mechanism that allows you to post straight to Facebook and Instagram.

  • Plantsnapis a mobile plant identification app that will help you in being able to identify plants you encounter along your hike. You just open the app and point your phone at the plant you want to identify.
  • We recommend renting or buying a local plant guide specific to your area. These are really nice to have and have a ton of helpful information on identifying characteristics and cool info like whether the plant has medicinal value or is edible or not.