

Updated information for Summer Term, 2022!

Happy Summer, Mountaineers!

The Student Health and Counseling Center is closed for student appointments during Summer term. The Counseling Center will reopen for student appointments the first day of classes, Fall term 2022.

Even though the mask mandate was lifted in most public places in Oregon, the Student Health Center building, where the Counseling Center is located, is considered a “healthcare facility” and the counselors are considered “healthcare providers”. Therefore, the mask mandate is still in place for both the therapists and for Counseling Center patients. We desire to offer in-person appointments without having to wear masks as soon as possible, so we will continue to monitor the Board of Psychology’s position on whether providers and patients need to continue to wear masks for fall term, 2022. We have found that our HIPAA-secured Zoom sessions have worked well for students, so we are grateful to have telehealth sessions as an option as well.

To be eligible for counseling services, you need to have paid the Health Service Fee, and be in the state of Oregon at the time of your appointment (as our counselors are licensed/registered to practice therapy only within Oregon). We will be using Zoom’s HIPAA-secured platform for these sessions. To access these services, call 541.962.3524 and let the person at the front desk know that you would like to see a counselor. Your information will be forwarded to the counselors and someone will get back to you. Meanwhile, know that we continue to miss seeing you in person, yet are very grateful for the opportunity to offer Zoom sessions.

请注意,咨询中心的工作人员在非工作时间不会例行访问电话留言或邮件,不能保证立即回复。因此,不要使用电话留言或电子邮件来传达紧急或紧急的需求。如果您有下班后的紧急情况,请拨打911,或致电人类发展中心(CHD) 541-962-8800。

This information above reflects current Counseling Center services until further notice. All other information on this website may or may not be reflective of current practice. If you have any questions or concerns, please call 541.962.3524.


EOU Counseling Center Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Statement:

The Counseling Center staff care deeply about the well-being of EOU students. We affirm the dignity, worth, and value of all individuals. We desire to create and hold space for students so they can explore, unpack and live out the very essence of who they are. To accomplish this, we commit to an ongoing process of learning that enables us to provide services that are sensitive to students’ diverse experience of themselves in their world. We humbly acknowledge the original inhabitants of the land Eastern Oregon University is upon: the Cayuse, Umatilla, Walla Walla, and Nez Perce people. We celebrate their traditions, languages, and stories. We acknowledge their continuing connection to this land, water, and community and pay our respects to these original stewards of Northeastern Oregon.

Counseling Center services:

  • Individual Counseling
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Outreach Services
  • Training and education workshops

If you are interested in utilizing one of our services at the Counseling Center, please visit during one of our drop-in hours:

  • Monday and Wednesday: 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
  • Tuesday and Thursday: 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM

A counselor should be available to meet with you during these times. Drop-in times are typically the quickest way to meet with a counselor. Arrangements may be made if drop-in times do not work with your schedule.


请注意,咨询中心的工作人员在非工作时间不会例行访问电话留言或邮件,不能保证立即回复。因此,不要使用电话留言或电子邮件来传达紧急或紧急的需求。如果您有下班后的紧急情况,请拨打911,或致电人类发展中心(CHD) 541-962-8800。

Additional Emergency Phone Numbers

Center for Human Development (CHD)| 541- 962-8800
Community mental health services

Shelter From the Storm| 541-963-9261
Interpersonal/sexual violence & stalking

Union County Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) | 541-963-9261 or 911
Advocacy/reporting options/forensic exams

Oregon Sexual Assault TaskForce (SATF)
Information/reporting options

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)| 1-800-656-HOPE (4637)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline| 1-800-273-TALK (8255)