Digital Accessibility

Digital Accessibility

Eastern Oregon University is committed to providing and maintaining accessible digital systems

This site is a resource to aid faculty, staff, and students in the creation and maintenance of accessible digital content and services, such as websites and documents. Here you will find information explaining accessibility practices, defining your role in cultivating an accessible digital ecosystem, and providing resources and references on how to create accessible content.

Where to Begin

This page provides an introduction to the processes and concepts that are essential to building, maintaining, and remediating the accessibility of websites and other digital media. Start here to learn the fundamentals of accessibility and its importance.

Accessibility Guidelines

These guidelines apply to creating, maintaining and fixing digital content and services. They cover images, video and documents, and contain descriptions of the common barriers that people with disabilities often face, as well as techniques used to minimize those barriers.

Basic Testing

This resource provides a simplified approach to accessibility evaluations. It should give you a broad sense of whether content or services follow the fundamental principles of accessibility.

Report Accessibility Issues

To report web accessibility issues, use the link below to fill out the Website Update Request Form.


There are a variety of tools to assist you in performing an accessibility self-evaluation of your website or other digital content. Understanding the types of tools available to you, and their respective strengths and limitations, will help you choose appropriate tools to help streamline the testing process.