University Council


The University Council shall consist of seventeen (17) voting members and one (1) non-voting member, including four (4) EOU students, three (4) administrative professionals, four (4) classified staff, one (1) member of the administration and four (4) academic faculty, one from each college. In addition, one member of the Faculty Senate shall serve as a non-voting member to ensure communication and cooperation between the Faculty Senate and University Council.

University Council members shall be voting members of the electorate of the University Council and shall be elected or appointed by the various constituencies of the University. Student members shall be appointed by the recognized student government. Administrative professional members shall be elected by the administrative professionals. Classified staff members shall be elected by the classified staff. Academic faculty members shall be elected by the college they represent; however, a college may consider and elect a librarian to fill its membership seat. And the administration, which shall include all deans and vice-presidents, shall decide upon its University Council member.


The electorate for the University Council shall consist of all academic faculty, administrative professionals, and classified staff holding at least half-time appointments. In addition, all officers and senators of the recognized student government shall be members of the electorate and shall be eligible to vote in University elections.


University Council members shall serve two-year terms with the terms of the initial University Council being staggered.

Legislative Authority

The University Council shall have the authority to discuss and to take action as provided by Oregon law on any university issue the University Council deems necessary.


The University Council shall accept, consider and act upon recommendations from the following standing committees of the University: the Student Affairs Committee, the Budget and Planning Committee, the Financial Aid Committee, the Athletic Committee, and the Diversity Committee.


University Council meetings shall be open, and the University Council shall accept comments from anyone who wishes to address the University Council.

Organization and Structure

The University Council shall be governed by its own set of bylaws.

The Faculty Senate and University Council shall keep the other apprised of all actions and other legislative business that has been conducted. Either body may request that the other reconsider an action it, the deciding body has taken. Such a request for reconsideration of action must be made within 30 days of said action. The deciding body shall have the authority to rescind or uphold its actions.