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EOU Library Virtual Reality Lab: Home

Make a VR Appointment

Virtual Reality at EOU Library

Virtual Reality, or VR, simulates experiences with the aid of technology. The EOU Library VR Lab uses VR headsets and high end gaming PCs to offer students and faculty access to course materials, content creation tools, social interactions, and gaming.

This project was made possible in part by an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the State Library of Oregon.

Learn About Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality: Explained! By Marcus Brownlee

Wired Guide to Virtual Reality

Woman seated wearing a virtual reality headset

How to use VR at EOU

EOU Library Virtual Reality (VR) technology is available to any EOU student, faculty, or staff member by appointment.

To make an appointment, contact Sarah Ralston (, 541-962-3474) orfill out this form.

Students of EOU partners (OHSU, OSU) may also use VR equipment. At certain times, priority will be given for class use (e.g. when a professor assigns a VR activity for class). Organized activities such as class visits or game nights can be arranged through Sarah Ralston (, 541-962-3474).

How does the appointment process work?

Appointments are two hours long and are conducted in the library. The appointment will include a VR room reservation and VR equipment (headset and laptop) reservation. VR rooms have open space in which to move freely while wearing a headset, and a large screen monitor so that students can work in groups.

When you arrive, go to the Circulation desk in the front of the library, and tell them you have a VR appointment. They will have you fill out a form accepting responsibility for the equipment, and check out a headset to your library account. Then they'll take you back to the VR Studio (pictured) or a study room that has been set up for VR. If you haven't used VR before, they will demonstrate how to fit the headset and use the controllers, and show you some of the basics of the app that you've chosen to use. Then you'll be left to experiment! You can close the shades if you feel self conscious. It can be disorienting to wear the headset and not be able to see around you.


Virtual Reality Equipment at the EOU Library

HP Reverb G2 Virtual Reality Headset (4 headsets)

Oculus Rift-S Headset

Oculus Quest 2 All-in-one VR Headset

Alienware gaming laptops (4 laptops)

Headsets and laptops are checked out as a set (for example, HP Reverb headset #1 and Laptop #1), with the exception of the Qculus Quest 2, which does not require a laptop.

Available Virtual Reality Apps and Games

  1. SharecareYOU- "YOU is a real-time simulation of the human body that allows anyone to freely navigate and explore an anatomically accurate, 3D model of the human body, its organs, and their natural function. Customize physiology and simulate disease. Personalize the human body to represent YOU. The unprecedented power of Sharecare YOU allows customization to display disease in varying states of severity."

  2. I Am A Man- “I Am A Man” VR Experience is an interactive virtual reality experience set to the historic events of the African- American Civil Rights Movement. Users will witness the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Worker’s Strike and the events leading to the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. using the Oculus Rift VR headset. "

  3. Mondly VR- "Practice real-life conversations in 30 languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Dutch, Japanese, Chinese and many more."

  4. Guided Meditation VR- "With over 20 breathtaking environments, a custom audio soundtrack, and handpicked meditative lessons, Guided Meditation VR has become the portal through which individuals of all walks of life can step out of their busy day and into their own peaceful world."

  5. Meditation VR- "Birds high up in the sky, waves rolling in on the shore, the wind blowing through palm trees and plants that grow on your private secluded island all contribute both visually and in sound to a surreal experience that practically makes you feel the ocean breeze."

  6. Google Earth VR- virtually visit anywhere on earth, down to the street level

  7. Speech Trainer演讲培训师是一个虚拟现实礼堂,你可以在这里练习演讲,并通过对虚拟观众演讲来克服你对公开演讲的恐惧。带上你自己的演示文稿(PDF格式),用遥控器和麦克风练习你的演讲,直到你觉得准备好了。"

  8. Fallout 4“《辐射4》,来自贝塞斯达游戏工作室的传奇后世界末日冒险……作为111号避难所的唯一幸存者,你进入了一个被核战争摧毁的世界。每一秒都是为生存而战,每一个选择都是你的。只有你能重建荒原,决定荒原的命运。”这个游戏是一位教师捐赠给他的班级使用的。在优先安排他的学生的同时,其他学生也可以玩这个游戏。

  9. Beat Saber- “Beat Saber is a VR rhythm game where you slash the beats of adrenaline-pumping music as they fly towards you, surrounded by a futuristic world.”

  10. Ecosphere-“Ecosphere is an award winning nature documentary series that sets out to redefine the limits of 3D-180 cameras and natural history filmmaking. Venture into the wildest places on earth, where indigenous and community-led efforts are creating space for humanity and wildlife to thrive together. Explore the great savannahs of KENYA, the ancient jungles of BORNEO and the rich coral reefs of RAJA AMPAT. Meet elephants, orangutans, manta rays and some incredible humans, all in stunning cinematic footage filmed from the air to the ocean.”

  11. Traveling While Black-“Traveling While Black is a cinematic VR experience that immerses the viewer in the long history of restriction of movement for black Americans and the creation of safe spaces in our communities.”