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Company Research: Home

Company Research

It is not uncommon for business faculty to assign a company research project. Expectations as to what that report will contain is determined by the assigning faculty and can vary. It is always very important to read and include or exclude information that is or is not requested by your professor. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your professor.

When researching a company, it is important to know whether it ispublic, privateor asubsidiaryof a larger company.

Public companiessell shares of the company (stocks) to the general public, and are required to submit financial information and annual reports to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Public companies are therefore easier to research as a general rule of thumb.

Privatecompaniesdo not sell publicly traded stocks and as a result, are not required to release as much information to the government or the general public. They are therefore more challenging to research.

Subsidiariesof public companies can be difficult to research because the parent company is not required to report on each of them individually. Therefore, when researching a subsidiary, you often have to read carefully through reports about the parent and look for references to the subsidiary.

When looking for information about a company, consider both informationfrom the companyitself (e.g., the company website, SEC filings, press releases, etc.) as well asinformation about the companywritten by others (e.g., newspaper articles, analyst reports, articles by professors, etc.).

Finding information about a company includes the following steps:

  • Get an overview of the company, find out if it is public or private
  • Find the company website and review it carefully, particularly the sections for investors or media/press.
  • If the company is public, find relevant 10K and 10Q reports and annual reports to shareholders
  • Search for news, magazine and other periodical articles for information. This may be the only way to find information on private companies.
  • 如果该公司是上市公司,可以搜索分析师和券商报告。它们有时包含对优势、劣势、机会和威胁的分析(SWOT)。
  • 识别竞争对手。

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Plagiarism is using other people's ideas without giving them proper credit for it. When you do this, you are implying that the ideas are your own. Doing this violates ethical standards. It can also endanger your grade. Use these resources to cite sources and avoid plagiarism: